Webinar: Tackling energy poverty with energy efficiency: Who should be involved? How to scale up?
SocialWatt project organizes one more webinar to discuss how energy efficiency schemes can tackle energy poverty, especially in the context of the Article 7 of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED)
This third webinar will provide an overview of the Lessons learnt from the SocialWatt plans and more what can be done for Member States to scale up their energy efficiency measures tackling energy in the light of previous experiences of energy utilities, public authorities and NGOs.
Come and join our speakers for these discussions: Andriana Stavrakaki (ICCS, coordinator of SocialWatt), Daniele Bergesio (Eviso, Italy), Claire Valente (SEAI, Ireland), Maria-Elisabeth Bruckl (Caritas, Austria), João Pedro Gouveia (Energy Poverty Advisory Hub / NOVA University Lisbon, Portugal) and Eleni Kanellou (Research Associate, POWERPOOR project manager, NTUA, Greece).
More information and the event agenda is available here.
Register online for the event!
Date and time: Wednesday 11 January 2023, from 11.00 to 12.30 CET