Final conference proceedings
The final conference of the Horizon 2020 project SocialWatt, titled "Meeting need with ambition: Boosting ene
Communication material
This report presents the main communication material developed to promote SocialWatt.
Project website and the visual identify of the project
This report presents the main tools used to establish the visual identity of SocialWatt, as well as the proje
Final publishable report
This report summarises the project’s objectives, activities and achievements in a simple, easily readable way
Webinar proceedings
SocialWatt organized three webinars to discuss how energy efficiency schemes can tackle energy poverty, espec
EDP's Energy Poverty Action Plan
This report presents EDP's energy poverty action plan, developed within the framework of SocialWatt.
Report on the status quo of energy poverty and its mitigation in the EU
This report contains definitions and indicators currently available to measure energy poverty at European and
Energy companies: key partners in alleviating energy poverty
This briefing summarizes the main lessons learnt from SocialWatt and interviews with 21 experts in Europe about the role of e
Policy brief: Time for a step change in the fight against energy poverty
While financial aids for energy bills remain essential, a growing number of renovation programmes with clearer targeting are
The 10 SocialWatt Country Factsheets on energy poverty
D4.4: Report on the exploitation and replication activities
Particular emphasis was given in replicating SocialWatt activities, outputs and results across Europe, in ord
D3.5: Report on the capacity building and knowledge sharing activities
In order, to trigger the implementation of innovative schemes to alleviate energy poverty more widely in Euro
D2.4: Review of the pilot implementation of innovative schemes to tackle energy poverty
This report provides an overview of the implementation status of the energy poverty alleviation schemes devel
Final conference proceedings - Meeting need with ambition: Boosting energy efficiency to alleviate rising energy poverty in Europe
Backround and objectives
Five new Country Policy Factsheets have been published by SocialWatt
At its start, the project SocialWatt analysed in th
D4.3 Policy briefs: Implementing innovative schemes to alleviate energy poverty
In order to facilitate the replication of energy efficiency/renewable energy schemes and actions developed within the framewo
EDP's Energy Poverty Action Plan
This report presents EDP's energy poverty action plan, developed within the framework of SocialWatt.
Tackling energy poverty with energy efficiency: Who should be involved? How to scale up? – Webinar Briefing
16 March 2023 – (final conference) Meeting need with ambition: Boosting energy efficiency to alleviate rising energy poverty in Europe
Background and objectives
Webinar: Tackling energy poverty with energy efficiency: Who should be involved? How to scale up?
SocialWatt project organizes one more webinar to discuss how energy efficiency schemes can tackle energy poverty, especially
UPDATED Policy brief on implementing the new Energy Efficiency Directive to alleviate energy poverty
The Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), one of the most important Directives for achieving the European Union’s climate target
National energy poverty observatories: the more you know, the better you act! – Webinar Briefing
Webinar: National energy poverty observatories: the more you know, the better you act!
SocialWatt project continues to organize webinars to discuss how energy efficiency schemes can tac
Evaluation of schemes to tackle energy poverty in Portugal
EDP NEW has used two of the SocialWatt decision-support tools to inform the development of its' energy poverty action plan wh
Energy for Solidarity: Third Sector and Innovative Social Projects
The project developed by eVISO has yielded encouraging results and it is now time t
Energy efficiency to tackle energy poverty: what will the EED recast change? – Webinar Briefing
Guidebook for the use of the SocialWatt tools
This guidebook presents the three SocialWatt tools, i.e., SocialWatt Analyser, SocialWatt Plan and SocialWatt Check, includin
Report on SocialWatt Decision Support Tools
This report presents the three SocialWatt tools developed, i.e.
Energy efficiency to tackle energy poverty: what will the EED recast change?
The SocialWatt project is organizing a series of webinars to discuss how energy efficiency schemes
Workshop on alleviating energy poverty through Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive
SocialWatt and ENSMOV jointly organised a workshop titled "Alleviating Energy Poverty through Article 7 of the Energy Efficie
SocialWatt Analyser – A smart tool to Identify energy poor households
Learn more about SocialWatt Analyser, an innovative decision support tool developed within the fra
National Training workshop on Energy poverty in Austria
The national training workshop in Austria will take place in the form of a Webinar Series over 4 w
Extension in the open call to receive support from SocialWatt and help alleviate energy poverty
Express interest to receive support from SocialWatt and help alleviate energy poverty
Are you interested in helping alleviate energy poverty?
The EED Energy Savings Obligation and Energy Poverty Alleviation
The EC has recently launched its recast proposal for a revised Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), which introduces an obligat
Energy Poverty Action Plans
This report presents the energy poverty action plans of seven utilities/energy companies, developed within th
The 2nd SocialWatt Capacity Building Workshop
The second SocialWatt capacity building workshop on alleviating energy poverty was successfully organised v
SocialWatt Capacity Building Workshop
The first SocialWatt capacity building workshop on all
SocialWatt article in Energy Sources, Part B
An article "A multi-sourced data based framework for assisting utilities identify energy poor households: a case-study in Gre
Hellenic Parliament TV- Energy Poverty
IEECP participated in a discussion on energy poverty and the current situation in Greece and other EU Member States, that too
Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum
ICCS and IEECP participated in the Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum – Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place in Brussels
Status Quo of Energy Poverty in the EU
Within the framework of SocialWatt a report has been published focusing on the status quo of energy poverty and its mitigatio
Energy Poverty H2020 Projects
SocialWatt Kick-off Meeting in Athens
The SocialWatt kick – off meeting was successfully organized in Athens on the 26th and 27th of September 2019.